L'agroforesterie au bénéfice des sols et des cultures : un atout face aux changements climatiques

Book Language : French
ISBN : 9782764906699
Author : Richard, Catherine
Publisher : Québec : Le CRAAQ
Publication date : 2023
Pages : 38
Agroforestry systems can provide numerous benefits to agricultural businesses in the face of climate change: both to adapt to the uncertainties and risks that arise from it, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to sequester carbon. These practices, such as hedgerows, in-field plantings, or riparian buffers, for example, have concrete effects on improving soil health and water management for the farm.
Illustrated with photos and original diagrams, this document summarizes the findings of various research projects on the effects of agroforestry systems, specifically in relation to soils, and their application in the Quebec context. This knowledge synthesis is accompanied by three videos filmed at Quebec-based farms. Prepared for advisors as well as agricultural producers, this document and these videos demonstrate the benefits that can be gained at the field level following the implementation of such systems.