Heavenly Mushrooms ?

Heavenly Mushrooms ?

In North America, passion for wild mushrooms is rather recent. However, it is rapidly gaining ground due to the enthusiasm for outdoors and gastronomy.

In North America, passion for wild mushrooms is rather recent. However, it is rapidly gaining ground due to the enthusiasm for outdoors and gastronomy.

Contrariwise, in numerous regions of Europe, age-old habits perpetuate tradition. Almost everywhere in Eastern Europe, picking is a ritual accomplished by the whole family and carried on even when migrating. Wild mushrooms are almost worshipped

As a matter of fact, I know very few people as passionate for picking as the Czech and the Slovaks. As with many other Montreal immigrants, one of them related with emotion his souvenirs of rambles in the forest with his father. He talked of memorable mushroom harvests. It brought tears to his eyes

Does the pleasure and happiness derived from mushroom picking bring people together beyond all frontiers and why not, beyond their earthly stay?
